NEW: Plant Yourself merch designed by my daughter, Yael Zivan.


Mom for Mayor: The Kind of Crazy That Can Change the World: Momma Kai on PYP 606

What if our elected officials saw themselves as matriarchs, working for the benefit of future generations?

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Diversity & Inclusion: Wokeness Run Amok or Simply Good Business?: Sally Helgesen on PYP 578

Are initiatives to diversify the workplace helping or hurting organizations? Does diversity help or undermine excellence?

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Kindness as a Strategy for Revolutionary Change: Teju Ravilochan on PYP 565

Is there real, revolutionary power in kindness and compassion in a “might-makes-right” world? Here’s a story that will blow your mind.

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Building a Shame-Free Zone in a Sexually Messed Up World: Veronica Monet on PYP 556

Veronica Monet grew up in a repressive and abusive cult, developed and recovered from severe addiction, toiled in the corporate world, and worked as a high-end escort for 15 years. She now helps people overcome trauma and heal from shame and advocates for sexual liberation and the rights of sex workers.

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Practical Ethics for Our Time: Peter Singer on PYP 555

Peter Singer pretty much launched the animal rights and animal welfare movements in 1975 with the publication of Animal Liberation. Forty-eight years later, he’s got a revised edition coming out: Animal Liberation Now.

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How Palm Oil, Colonialism, and Greed Have Endangered the World: Jocelyn Zuckerman on PYP 543

In terms of human suffering and environmental destruction, there’s little that can compare to the global trade in palm oil. Today’s guest takes us on a hard yet vital journey of discovery and understanding.

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Food, School, and Politics: Maria Solanki on PYP 517

Maria Solanki is running for school board in Pinellas County, Florida, with a mission to improve the health and performance of students through better nutrition. 

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Should Vegans Own Guns?: Rabbi Hillel Norry on Plant Yourself 446

Given the shocking violence we’ve seen this week, with more predicted around the country, I found myself in a very strange place: feeling like my home and family are under potential threat. I reached out to vegan rabbi firearms instructor Hillel Norry for guidance.

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Healing Cultural Trauma: Tada Hozumi on PYP 438

Tada Hozumi is a somatics practitioner, and one of the leaders of a movement known as cultural somatics.

In this challenging conversation, we discuss how our cultures can traumatize us and predispose us to oppress other cultures. And how we can “digest” our past – collective and individual as a way of healing.

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Civilization as a Self-Terminating Algorithm: Tyson Yunkaporta on PYP 436

Tyson Yunkaporta is an Australian Aboriginal artist, philosopher, and researcher who lectures on Indigenous Knowledge at Deakin University in Melbourne. He’s also the author of Sand Talk, a book that has influenced my thinking more profoundly than any other.

Basically, Yunkaporta turns the lens of anthropology around and puts Western civilization under the microscope, showing us how insane and unsustainable the entire project is.

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