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Food Label Literacy: How to protect yourself from sneaky marketing and junk-filled products

Do you try really hard to eat well, but discover after the fact that some supposedly “healthy” food is actually full of junk?

  • It's got tons of sugar hiding under another name
  • The front of the package has all these wonderful marketing messages that turn out to be bullshit
  • It's got more salt than a deer blind
  • It's full of animal-based ingredients (dairy and bones and meat)
  • It's a fat bomb waiting to explode in your stomach

It's no accident. Processed food companies are trying to move as much product as possible, and they couldn't care less about human health. So they mislead as much as possible with health claims (“natural,” “organic,” “low-fat”) and hide the shit behind obscure terminology in the Nutrition Facts and ingredients panels.

And the US government colludes by making the Nutrition Facts panel as hard to read and useless as possible.

So what's an overwhelmed consumer to do?

Get literate!

It's not that hard, and it doesn't take a ton of time or a PhD in biochemistry to learn how to protect yourself from junky food and misleading packaging.

All you need, in fact, is the free report, Label Literacy.

It will show you exactly how to evaluate every packaged food item, so you can make food decisions for yourself and your loved ones from a place of empowerment.

Let's Get Label Literate!

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