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Fasting vs Long COVID: Roger Talbott on PYP 558

What’s it like to suffer from Long COVID in one’s 70s? And can water fasting bring about healing?

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The Oldest Cure in the World: Steve Hendricks on PYP 531

Is fasting a cure-all, a desperate orthorexic cry for help, or a complex and powerful phenomenon that can be a valuable addition to the modern medical toolkit?

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Challenging the Immune System to Beat MS with Bob Cafaro: PYP 284

Bob Cafaro is a professional cellist, author, and ass-kicker of multiple sclerosis. If you missed our first conversation, check it out here. In his latest newsletter, he revealed two MS-busting tactics that he hadn’t written about in his book, When the Music Stopped: My Battle and Victory Against MS. 

Partly as an excuse to have another conversation with Bob (he’s such a kind and passionate and awesome guy!), and partly to explore these two tactics, I reached out and managed to grab 30 minutes of his time in between the five dozen other things he has going on.

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Valter Longo, PhD, on the Longevity Diet: PYP 269

Valter Longo, PhD, is my bet to be the first Nobel Prize winner on the Plant Yourself Podcast.

He’s a longevity researcher at the University of Southern California whose broad vision and ability to focus on the details of scientific enquiry over a 30-year career may provide the data we need to extend the human lifespan by decades.

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