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Immune function

Broccoli alone won’t get you to 100: Marta Zaraska on PYP 418

For the last 7 years, I’ve worked to improve human health and wellbeing by focusing on better nutrition, vigorous physical activity, sleep hygiene, and stress management.

Turns out I may have been missing the most important determinants of health – the social ones.

Marta Zaraska has written a book that is fun, fascinating, scientifically sound, and socially revolutionary. In Growing Young, she argues that eating well and exercising are all well and good, but spending time with friends, cultivating a positive attitude, and helping others are far more powerful (and enjoyable!) determinants of health.

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Stephen Porges, PhD, on Safety as the Most Important Thing: PYP 340

For my money, Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory has done more to improve our ability to heal and grow and thrive as a civilization than any other scientific breakthrough of the past 50 years.

Its advances over prior understandings of the human nervous system, psychology, and experiences of states like well-being, happiness, and love – are profound. Paradigm-shifting. And, unlike a lot of theory, incredible practical and applicable to our everyday lives.

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The Health Benefits of the “Poor Mans’ Meat” with Jeff Chilton: PYP 313

Today’s a huge departure for this podcast. For the first time, we explore the virtues of eating something other than plants.No, don’t worry. I haven’t gone paleo or keto or carnivore (although one of my prior guests has (SMH)). I’m not into fish oil or organic beef liver or hummingbird tongue.Today we explore an entire kingdom that can boost our immune function, mood, and possibly bring us sanity: fungi.

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