NEW: Plant Yourself merch designed by my daughter, Yael Zivan.

Medical Decision-making

Plant-Based Cardiology in Practice with Shane Williams, MD: PYP 378

Shane Williams, MD, has been practicing plant-based (or as I would say, evidence-based) cardiology in Canada for nine years now. 

With hundreds of patients and lots of experience with what works and what doesn’t in terms of advocacy, education, and support, Dr Williams is a valuable resource for plant-based physicians everywhere.

He began his cardiology practice in 2006, and stumbled across The China Study in early 2011, and immediately shifted his own diet to put it to the test. A bunch of pounds and a 20% cholesterol drop in just a few weeks, later, Dr Williams was a convert, and began talking to his patients about diet and lifestyle. 

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Bouncing Back from Heart Disease with Ray Martin: PYP 339

Ray Martin, aka “Old Man Skin and Bones,” is on a mission to save others from what he went through: heart disease, expensive and unnecessary and potentially harmful medical care, and a bad case of the “If only I’d knowns.”

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The heART of Medicine with Jody Esselstyn, RN: PYP 335

Jody Esselstyn is a registered nurse, and docent at the Fralin Museum of Art at the University of Virginia.

An unusual combo, perhaps, but Jody combines her two interests – medicine and art – in some innovative and lifesaving ways.

She leads programs that help medicine students make better diagnoses, display more empathy at the bedside, and collaborate more generously with their medical peers through visits to art museums.

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Howard Jacobson on Staying True to My Mission: PYP 281

Yup, that’s me, talking directly to you in this episode. 

I wanted to take a break from the guest-interview format because I have a lot on my mind.

Yesterday was my 53 birthday, and would have been my dad’s 100th (he and my mom planned well ;).

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Lifestyle Medicine for the Win with Marcy Madrid: PYP 275

Marcy Madrid is Vice President of Planning and Marketing at Midland Memorial Hospital in Midland, Texas. (That’s about halfway between Dallas and El Paso on I-20.)

When Midland decided to embrace plant-based nutrition as a pillar of their disease-treatment protocol, Madrid was brought in to spread the message. Both internally, and to the larger community.

What she didn’t expect was to need that message herself, and soon.

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Transforming the System of Medical Care with David Donohue, MD: PYP 255

David Donohue is a primary care physician in Wilmington, Delaware, and one of only 280 board-certified lifestyle medicine specialists in the United States. As David points out in our conversation, that’s fewer than one for every million Americans. 

I wanted to talk with David about the successful and innovative Cure Diabetes program that he’s run over the past year, but we quickly started egging each other on to describe our pet peeves about the current medical system.

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Code Blue: Challenging Conventional Medical Education and Practice with Saray Stancic, MD: PYP 238

Dr Saray Stancic became an infectious disease specialist in response to the HIV and hepatitis C crisis of the 1980s and 90s. On October 11, 1995, the then-3rd year medical resident found a short nap window at 2am, and collapsed in fatigue in the on-call room of the hospital where she worked.

When she was awakened for her next shift, Dr Stancic couldn’t feel her legs. She was rushed to the ER, and an MRI revealed multiple sclerosis (MS) with multiple lesions in the brain and spinal cord. In addition to the neuropathy in her legs, it turned out that her kidneys were also failing.

She was admitted to the hospital, given an IV steroid drip and a bunch of other medications. And just like that, a young, energetic, ambitious doctor was converted into a frightened, confused, dispirited patient.

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Guest Post: PSA Screening Still a Bad Idea

One of the unsung heroes of modern medicine is Richard J. Ablin, professor in the Pathology Department of the University of Arizona. The discoverer of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), Dr. Ablin has spent decades warning doctors and the public that the PSA test is not only useless for population screening for prostate cancer, but is incredibly harmful. For every man whose life is saved via early detection of a deadly tumor, dozens are maimed by treatments for tumors that were never going to hurt them.

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Overcoming Addiction with Adam and Lecia Sud: PYP 209

Adam Sud is only 34 years old and he’s already battled against obesity, type II diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, drug addiction, fast food addiction, and severe depression.

Once weighing over 300 pounds, he had lost all interest in life. Addicted to fast food and prescription drugs, Adam dug himself out with plant-based nutrition, after attending an Immersion with Rip Esselstyn.

Having reversed all of his chronic health conditions and losing 160 pounds, Adam is now health coach for the Whole Foods Market Medical and Wellness Clinic in Austin, Texas.

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Saving America by Reforming Health Insurance with Ken Beckman: PYP 200

Ken Beckman is an actuary in the health insurance field. (Now hang on, you non-math folks – this is going to be a lot more interesting (and accessible) than you might think. Give us a chance here… 🙂

After getting turned on to the health benefits of a plant-based diet, Ken began seeing the health insurance industry in a radically new light. If the best possible outcome is a slow decline mediated by appropriate drugs and timely procedures, then we’re probably doing OK.

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