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Wearing (and Being) Nature: Jeff Scult on PYP 495

Fast fashion is a disaster. For the planet, for the oppressed workers, and for the souls of those who are constantly exhorted to throw out their clothes and buy new ones. Today’s guest offers an antidote.

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Orienting Ourselves to Natural Time with Brian Tourville: PYP 354

Is time linear, or cyclical?

According to analog watches, time goes around in circles.

According to calendars and planners and most of Western culture, time moves ever forward.

And few of us take seriously the cycles of nature when we contemplate time and how we move through it.

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Rediscovering Radical Wholeness with Philip Shepherd: PYP 326

Philip Shepherd is the author of Radical Wholeness: The Embodied Presence and the Ordinary Grace of Being. 

I was introduced to Philip’s work by my friend and teacher Mark Leuchten.

About 12 pages into Radical Wholeness, I felt my entire worldview shift. Some of the cultural blinders that had blocked my understanding of wholeness were revealed, and I began to understand where I was in conflict with myself, and why, and what I could start to do to harmonize myself. I needed to know more.

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Howard Jacobson on Procrastination, Cocoons, and the Unfinished Office: PYP 303

Happy New Year! I come to you today from the cab of my truck, in my driveway, to talk about the fact that my new office isn’t ready to move in, and it’s January 1, and it’s kind of driving me crazy.

I don’t even have access to my studio, my computer, my completed interviews – nothing. Everything is in tight storage, because I thought the new office would be ready for me by New Year’s Eve.

I turn for solace and wisdom to the poet David Whyte. In today’s episode, I read and discuss with you a short essay titled “Procrastination.”

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The Healing Power of EFT with Robyn Chuter: PYP 186

Robyn Chuter is a plant-based “recovering naturopath” and wellness researcher from New South Wales, Australia. She’s particularly interested in how groups of people support each other’s health journeys, and is currently running an ethnographic study on a whole food, plant-based Facebook support group to identify effective strategies and barriers to behavior change. Read More

Navigating Life Through Feelings with Mark Leuchten: PYP 173

At various times in my life, I’ve felt like I was hitting my head against the universe.

Struggling to figure out what to do next. Stuck in a house and neighborhood that wasn’t right for us. Navigating a conflict between duty and pleasure. That sort of thing.

And eventually, I would call my friend Mark Leuchten and ask him to help me “figure things out.

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PYP 138: Kelly Turner on Radical Remission from Cancer

Kelly Turner, PhD, is the author of Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds. If you have cancer, or know anyone who has cancer, or are a human being (Western men have a 1/2 chance and women a 1/3 chance of developing cancer in their lifetime), you need to read this book.

It’s not one of those “Think happy thoughts and cure everything books.” Instead, it’s a profoundly scientific look at a group of people who may hold the key to curing cancer – and who have been systematically ignored, marginalized, and dismissed as irrelevant by medical research for the past 150 years.

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Healing in the Midst of Uncertainty: Kerry Kay on PYP 083

Kerry Kay is a tango dancer, energy healer, motorcycle rider, and dear friend.

As you’ll hear, she performed a Reiki healing on me many years ago, when I didn’t believe in that sort of thing.

I went on not believing, even as I experienced something pretty remarkable (if not downright miraculous).

Over the years, my own attitudes have softened; the more I know about science, the more I realize science doesn’t know.

So if you’re willing to “go there” with us, you’re in for a fascinating glimpse into the heart and mind of a healer.

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