NEW: Plant Yourself merch designed by my daughter, Yael Zivan.


Kindness as a Strategy for Revolutionary Change: Teju Ravilochan on PYP 565

Is there real, revolutionary power in kindness and compassion in a “might-makes-right” world? Here’s a story that will blow your mind.

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How to Increase your Power and Value in a Negotiation: Greg Williams on PYP 526

How can you get what you want out of life if you’re too scared to ask for it? A negotiation expert shows to be tough and kind at the same time.

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Negotiating for a Better World: Greg Williams on PYP 503

Can you be an effective negotiator if you’re kind and mild-mannered? Or do you have to bully others to get what you want?

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Free Yourself From Conflict: Jen Goldman-Wetzler on PYP 470

Have you ever found yourself in a “conflict loop,” where every conversation just makes it worse? What if you had the ability to break free and find the best possible outcome? Today’s guest, Jen Goldman-Wetzler, PhD, shows you how.

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How to Have a Good (and Healthy) Day with Caroline Webb: PYP 344

Caroline Webb is the author of the wonderfully entertaining and useful How to Have a Good Day, which is basically a cookbook of how to be an effective human in the world.

She is an executive coach, economist, and speaker, and the book comes out of her extensive knowledge of behavioral science and its application in the real world.

How to Have a Good Day has influenced my own health coaching so much, I wanted to talk with Caroline specifically about applying her tools and “recipes” to the challenges around improving diet and lifestyle.

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Creating a Safe “Couple Bubble” with Susan Orenstein: PYP 217

Susan Orenstein, PhD, is a couples therapist in Cary, North Carolina. She’s also a long-time friend (I believe we met in 1986) and neighbor (since we moved to NC in 2005).

I wanted to pick her brain about a challenge that many of my clients face – navigating their health journey in tandem with their significant other.

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Chris Voss on Negotiating with Others and Ourselves: PYP 208

Chris Voss learned negotiation in one of the most high-stakes professions possible: as a lead international hostage negotiator for the FBI. Having learned from the super-smart, super-rational Harvard negotiation experts, Chris quickly discovered that humans are not rational, and that principles and tactics that work with Rational Humans (a fictitious species) do not reliably work with Real Humans.

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