NEW: Plant Yourself merch designed by my daughter, Yael Zivan.

Sports competition

The Keys to Olympic-Level Performance: Dr Kirsten Peterson on PYP 591

What can the rest of us learn from Olympic athletes about doing our best under pressure?

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Lessons from a Bucket of Rice

Mergoddess Sarah Bofinger and I talk about how the next thing is always available to us.

Whether it’s a bucket of rice, or a half squat, or waking up from a bad dream, everything within our experience is an opportunity to rewrite our story. 

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Mindful and Pain-free Walking and Running with Danny and Katherine Dreyer: PYP 346

Danny and Katherine Dreyer are the co-authors of three of the most valuable books ever on human bipedal locomotion: Chi Running, Chi Walking, and Chi Marathon.

The promise of their methodology is that you can walk or run a lot farther and faster, without pain or injury.

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An Olympic Quest Powered by Plants with Sarah Bofinger: PYP 271

Sarah “Mergoddess” Bofinger swam before she walked – literally. Born with hip dysplasia (I thought the same thing: “Isn’t that something Golden Retrievers get?”), she required six surgeries before she celebrated her fourth birthday.

Sarah was put in the water for therapy and rehabilitation, and took to it like a, well, mergoddess to water. Swimming, as well as dancing and gymnastics, helped take her mind of the discomfort and pain of the constant hip problems.

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