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Common Sense

Covering the Ground with Josh LaJaunie: PYP 319

My buddy Josh LaJaunie returns the to podcast for his fourth? fifth? appearance. We’ve been busy building WellStart Health, dealing with logistics and curriculum and business development and whatnot, so we were both hungry for a slow, meandering, purposeless, deep conversation. The kind friends have, with no agenda, except with thousands of people listening in.

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Transforming the System of Medical Care with David Donohue, MD: PYP 255

David Donohue is a primary care physician in Wilmington, Delaware, and one of only 280 board-certified lifestyle medicine specialists in the United States. As David points out in our conversation, that’s fewer than one for every million Americans. 

I wanted to talk with David about the successful and innovative Cure Diabetes program that he’s run over the past year, but we quickly started egging each other on to describe our pet peeves about the current medical system.

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Diet for a Living Planet with Michael Klaper, MD: PYP 246

Michael Klaper, MD, is one of the world’s most eloquent, convincing, passionate, and persistent advocates of a plant-based diet. He’s studied the health effects, the environmental ramifications, and the psychological aspects of eating meat and junk food, and can put the most complex science in totally accessible terms.

Here’s how he explains the vast majority of chronic disease in the Western world: “We’re putting diesel fuel in a gas engine.”

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Bernie Roth on Designing the Lives We Want: PYP 226

Bernie Roth is a co-founder and Academic Director of the incredibly influential at Stanford University (officially known as the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design).

He’s also the author of a charming, unflinchingly honest, and hugely helpful book, The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life.

Bernie’s great contribution to the world, aside from his numerous inventions and innovations in machine design, robotics, and engineering, is the insight that successful, happy, healthy people generally don’t achieve these nice things by accident.

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Radically Self-Reliant Veganic Gardening with Will Bonsall: PYP 224

Will Bonsall is my new hero, and I say that without exaggeration. Check out the short video clip at the top of the Links section below to see half of the reason why.

The other half of the reason take a bit longer to explain – hence this full-length podcast episode.

Will is the visionary gardener whose half-century of experimentation and iconoclasm can help us save human civilization from collapse. His method, which he refers to as “gardening without borders,” takes into account all the inputs and outputs of a garden or farm, in contrast to the usual methods of conventional, organic, and permaculture production.

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Achieving Behavior Change Through Pleasure and Positivity with Sid Garza-Hillman: PYP 215

Sid Garza-Hillman is one of the world’s great bald plant-based podcasters of Jewish origin. He’s also a remarkably savvy and sane health coach, and a funny and frank philosopher of what constitutes a good life.

We met in person in Marshall, TX, during Healthfest, and found ourselves agreeing on lots of things that almost nobody agrees with us on. So deciding we were kindred spirits, we planned a podcast conversation around the state of plant-based practice and advocacy in 2017.

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Josh LaJaunie on Naturally Attainable Quantities: PYP 210

On the road from Marshall, Texas to MSY airport in New Orleans, Josh LaJaunie and I tried out a concept that we’ve been playing with for about a year.

Josh came up with it originally (not that no one’s ever thought it before, but he was the first person who articulated it in a way that empowered me to make good decisions based on it).

And the more I applied it, the more it started looking like the Unified Field Theory of How to Be an Authentic Human.

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