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Personal Transformation

Reconnecting with the Healing Power of Plants with Joe Cross: PYP 334

Joe Cross was, in the words of his first film, “Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead” when he embarked on a 60-day experiment to escape the pain and discomfort of a lifestyle-induced auto-immune disease.

His transformation story, chronicled in that 2010 documentary, has inspired millions of people to start juicing, and to add more plants to their diets.

In our conversation, we catch up on the decade since he became a famous wellness advocate. How has he weathered that kind of public scrutiny?

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Honoring Tradition While Charting a New Course with Ramona and Dustin Lajaunie: PYP 325

Ramona and Dustin LaJaunie are part of a family that has lost over a thousand pounds through plants and running. The mother and brother, respectively, of Josh LaJaunie, Mona and Dustin are now the cooks in the family. 

And one of their biggest challenges was abandoning all the classic southern recipes that they loved and took pride in making and sharing – gumbos, jambalayas, turnip stew, cabbage rolls, and all the delicious desserts – in favor of low-fat, plant-based fare.

They decided that there had to be a way to have the best of both worlds – their cherished traditions, and their health.

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How to Really Change Habits with Kevin Davis: PYP 320

Kevin Davis is a WellStart Health “Supercoach,” and co-leader of the WellStart Health Coach Training Academy.Today we talk about his story, from being the “fat kid” in high school, to getting into bodybuilding and embracing extreme keto, to a traumatic car crash that led to years of agoraphobia, to his plant-based journey and healing of anxiety.With that as background, we cover the WellStart Health Attainment Model, the pyramid infographic that serves as a roadmap of change.If you’re a coach, or are trying to change your own habits, this will be a valuable model to help you diagnose and overcome obstacles.

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Covering the Ground with Josh LaJaunie: PYP 319

My buddy Josh LaJaunie returns the to podcast for his fourth? fifth? appearance. We’ve been busy building WellStart Health, dealing with logistics and curriculum and business development and whatnot, so we were both hungry for a slow, meandering, purposeless, deep conversation. The kind friends have, with no agenda, except with thousands of people listening in.

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Finding Balance and Reimagining Cardiology with Monica Aggarwal, MD: PYP 314

When I asked Dr Monica Aggarwal to join me on this podcast, I figured we’d talk about her plant-based advocacy at the University of Florida, where she is an assistant professor of medicine and Director of Integrative Cardiology and Prevention.We got there, eventually, but took a fascinating detour into the gender politics of medicine, and cardiology in particular. 

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Relishing the Struggle with Sarah Bofinger: PYP 312

Sarah Bofinger is an unlikely Olympic hopeful, a WellStart Health Coach, and a fountain of positivity. Today she returns to the podcast to update us on her Olympic dreams, and to share how becoming a WellStart Health coach has taken her training and life to a new level of awesome.

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Self-care for Busy Professionals with Diane Randall: PYP 311

As a newly divorced mother of two small children and high-powered professional, Diane Randall had let her health take a back seat to all her responsibilities. Overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol, she was jolted into action by a doctor’s warning that her current trajectory was going to take years off her life.

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Andrew Taylor on Taking Radical Steps to Breaking a Food Addiction: PYP 307

Andrew “Spudfit” Taylor was tired of being out of shape, obese, and sick. An olympic hopeful in his teens, he had let his fitness and health slip away as his commitment to kayaking waned but his addictions to food persisted.

His depression, largely fueled by the thought that he was far away from the person he wanted to be, always kept him returning to the trough for another supersized hit of vegan junk food.

His relevation – and the spark of his transformational year of eating nothing but potatoes – was that he was treating food like an alcoholic treats booze.

And so he would have to quit food.

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“If You Want Real Change, Make Real Change” with Joseph Alexander: PYP 305

Joseph Alexander is a nurse and park ranger in Minnesota. He’s always been interested in health, and has always loved the outdoors.

Knowing just those facts about Joseph, if you were to close your eyes and picture him in your imagination, you probably wouldn’t see him as a 438-pound diabetic who had started – and given up on – just about every diet and weight loss strategy known to man.

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Veggies, Opportunities, and the Gold Rule of Improv with Tess Masters: PYP 304

Tess Masters, aka The Blender Girl, is a powerful spokesperson for a healthy plant-based lifestyle, and a force of nature.

Growing up in Australia on a “meat and three veg” diet, she was plagued at age 14 with extreme lethargy. A naturopath suggested that she eliminate gluten, meat, and dairy, and within 48 hours she felt dramatically better.

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