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Physical Therapy

Own Your Nervous System: Sukie Baxter on PYP 544

What are the root causes of physical tension and chronic emotional distress? How can we truly heal our bodies and minds? Today’s guest points to the nervous system as the node of highest leverage.

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Good Posture, Healthy Back: Leon Turetsky on PYP 510

Smartphones and computers have wrecked our posture. Today’s guest explains the importance of good posture, and shows us how to get it back.

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From Butcher to Vegan Nutritionist with Fraser Bayley: PYP 266

Fraser Bayley’s arc of transformation is long and inspiring. Growing up in Auckland, New Zealand, Fraser was a poor student who struggled in school despite putting in the effort. He felt stupid, like something was wrong with him. His social anxiety was so severe, he dropped out of college but managed to keep a crushing load of student debt.

When an after school job at a local supermarket offered him a chance to learn about butchery, Fraser jumped on the opportunity to apprentice himself in the grueling trade. It didn’t require smarts, or much reading, or sitting still.

Butchery was (and still is) a male-dominated field, where toxic masculinity is both a prerequisite and outcome of the brutal, repetitive, soul-numbing work. Fraser suffered from bipolar episodes, which he self-medicated through alcohol, drugs, and the company of other alienated, emotionally scarred, alpha males.

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Becoming Pain-free Like an Animal with Tom Dalonzo-Baker: PYP 182

When my right knee started hurting so bad that I couldn’t run, do yoga, squat, or ride a bike, I did all the things I knew how to do.

I got massages. I iced. I rubbed hot and cold ointments into the skin. I visualized. I went to the chiropractor. I stretched.

And nothing worked.

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