NEW: Plant Yourself merch designed by my daughter, Yael Zivan.

Radical Healing

A Journey of Healing and Service: Tracy Garrigan on PYP 573

A roller coaster ride of medical catastrophe and healing, miracles and despair, led Tracy Garrigan to become a holistic health coach. She’s now training coaches to bring hope to those who have been suffering.

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Going from Racist to Anti-racist with Dustin and Josh LaJaunie: PYP 415

Dustin and Josh LaJaunie have amazing transformation stories. They went from obese to fit. From junk food addicts to plant-based eaters. From hunters to vegans. From sedentary to active. 

And, as you’ll see and hear, from racist to antiracist.

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Recovering from Rheumatoid Arthritis with Clint Paddison: PYP 272

Clint Paddison was pursuing a career as a stand-up comedian in Australia when he was struck with a debilitating case of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A former athlete and science all-star, Clint found himself almost unable to work, to move, to enjoy life. He discouraged his girlfriend from marrying him because he didn’t want to ruin her life.

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An Olympic Quest Powered by Plants with Sarah Bofinger: PYP 271

Sarah “Mergoddess” Bofinger swam before she walked – literally. Born with hip dysplasia (I thought the same thing: “Isn’t that something Golden Retrievers get?”), she required six surgeries before she celebrated her fourth birthday.

Sarah was put in the water for therapy and rehabilitation, and took to it like a, well, mergoddess to water. Swimming, as well as dancing and gymnastics, helped take her mind of the discomfort and pain of the constant hip problems.

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Training for Life (Literally) with D Anthony Evans: PYP 270

D Anthony Evans found out at age six that he had a rare disorder (Neurofibromatosis) that caused painful tumors to emerge at random all over his body. And things just got worse from there.

His doctors explained that this disease generally leads to a highly aggressive form of cancer, MPNST (Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors). So he spent his youth wondering when and where the cancer would strike.

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Code Blue: Challenging Conventional Medical Education and Practice with Saray Stancic, MD: PYP 238

Dr Saray Stancic became an infectious disease specialist in response to the HIV and hepatitis C crisis of the 1980s and 90s. On October 11, 1995, the then-3rd year medical resident found a short nap window at 2am, and collapsed in fatigue in the on-call room of the hospital where she worked.

When she was awakened for her next shift, Dr Stancic couldn’t feel her legs. She was rushed to the ER, and an MRI revealed multiple sclerosis (MS) with multiple lesions in the brain and spinal cord. In addition to the neuropathy in her legs, it turned out that her kidneys were also failing.

She was admitted to the hospital, given an IV steroid drip and a bunch of other medications. And just like that, a young, energetic, ambitious doctor was converted into a frightened, confused, dispirited patient.

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Bob Cafaro on the Psychology of Beating an Incurable Illness

Plant Yourself Podcast guest Bob Cafaro (PYP 153) has just come out with his TEDx talk, “The Psychology of Beating an Incurable Illness.” Enjoy and be inspired:

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