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Rest and Relaxation

Empathy is Stronger than Fear: Glenn Murphy on PYP 416

Glenn Murphy returns to Plant Yourself to talk about how we can self-regulate our emotions and actions during a time of great societal upheaval and division.

We talk about our own impulses to “fight” with others, and where there’s a messy intertwining of good intentions and unresolved psychological issues.

We discuss the physiology of the stress response, particularly as it relates to the shame and guilt that accompanies some of our attempts to right wrongs and redress injustices.

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PYP 148: Marc Schoen, PhD, on Surviving Our Survival Instinct and Defeating Bad Habits

True confession: I usually multitask while I eat, despite telling other people not to. I read, I Facebook, I talk on the phone, I create presentations, and so on. I rationalize it very well: I’m busy, I can still chew slowly (note to self: “BS!”), and this is the last time.

And luckily, I tell myself, it’s no big deal.

Marc Schoen, PhD, assistant clinical professor at UCLA’s Geffen School of Medicine, disagrees. And after reading his absolutely amazingly important and helpful book, Your Survival Instinct is Killing You, he’s convinced me.

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PYP 134: Glenn Murphy on the New Science of Stress

Glenn Murphy is a science writer and educator, bestselling author, and longtime student of the Russian martial art known as Systema. He’s also my teacher, my friend, and a hilarious guy with a kick-ass British accent.

It turns out that a great deal of science of human stress and resilience was done in the former Soviet Union which was embargoed and unavailable to the West until recently. This neuroscience of performance was tested and validated in work with Olympic gold medalists and spec op forces – both of whom are under a great deal more stress than most of us will ever know.

And these insights are baked into Systema, which teaches relaxation and selective use of tension in response to physical threats rather than rigid stances and hyper-aggressive techniques.

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PYP 066: Glenn Murphy on Systema, Subverting Fight or Flight, and Remaining Human No Matter What

In addition to being a bestselling science author, musician, and tiger-handler (really!), Glenn Murphy is an instructor of one of the most powerful, esoteric, and valuable martial arts ever developed: Systema.

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PYP 047: Lani Muelrath on Debunking the Fitness Myths

Lani Muelrath is the author of Fit Quickies: 5-Minute Targeted Body-Shaping Workouts, which is a lot more comprehensive than it sounds. It covers exercise physiology, diet, health, mindset, and just about everything else relevant to a happy and healthy life.

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PYP 033: Ronda Collier on Heart Rate Variability and the hidden causes of weight gain and “falling off the wagon”

Ronda Collier is CEO and founder of Sweetwater Health, a technology company that sells a couple of neat little iPhone apps called SweetbeatLife and Sweetbeat.

They measure heart rate variability (HRV), which turns out to be a very good proxy for the body’s resilience and health.

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PYP 009: Emerson Wickwire: The Secret World of Sleep

Dr. Emerson Wickwire is Sleep Medicine Program Director at Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Associates in Columbia, Maryland, and Assistant Professor, part-time, at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. He is board certified in behavioral sleep medicine and cognitive and behavioral psychology.

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