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The “Love at First Sight” Trap: PYP 367

I'll never forget my daughter's first birthday party. On a chilly February afternoon, a bunch of friends and relatives gathered at our house to share the joy of the event. We had decorations, presents, singing, and of course birthday cake.

Everything went well, until the cake.

Being good hippie-ish parents, my wife and I had decided that we were going to raise our kids on healthy food only. We made our own organic baby food (it was pretty damn good, actually). No fast food. No refined sugar.

And then our daughter took that first bite of chocolate birthday cake, the one with the raspberry jam between each of three layers of cake, with the rich chocolate icing.

At first, she was shocked.

Then, wide-eyed with delight.

Then, frenzied with the effort of stuffing as much of it as she possibly could into her mouth as fast as she could.

And then – and I'll never forget this moment as long as I live – her eyes swiveled around to look at me and my wife, and she gave us this look brimming with outrage. It said, “You've kept this from me for an entire year! How dare you!”

Love at First Sight

For my daughter, chocolate cake was love at first sight, or should I say, love at first bite.

And to this day, she still enjoys a good slice of cake from time to time.

And many of us have experienced love at first sight, or LAFS, in one form or another.

Heck, I can tell you all the girls I loved at first sight, starting with Diana S in first grade. (The fact that few of them knew I existed did nothing to dim my ardor.)

There's nothing wrong with love at first sight. According to some psychologists, there are times when we know instantly that we've found our soul mate, and it isn't just a matter of biased memory. It's not just a phenomenon limited to mating or masticating or other words starting with M that trigger our pleasure center; I had a LAFS experience of Ultimate Frisbee at Camp Ramah in 1977. And of the doggerel of Ogden Nash in 1981. And my first visit to Yankee Stadium after it reopened in 1976.

So what's the problem with LAFS?

The Problem with LAFS

LAFS is misnamed. It's not really love, not in the deep, abiding sense. Instead, LAFS experiences are typically centered around attraction and pleasure, rather than qualities like passion, commitment, and intimacy.

Think about a person that you love deeply and have for a while. You may not be infatuated with them anymore, but you likely derive far greater personal satisfaction from the seasoning of your relationship.

As Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness write in The Passion Paradox, the whole idea of soul mates originated pretty late in human civilization, with the Romantic movement of the nineteenth century. Before then, most societies saw love as a thing that a couple built through time, rather than a prerequisite for getting together: “more a process of cultivation than an instant connection.”

If you think in terms of finding your destined soul mate and recognizing them instantly by the heady rush of LAFS, researchers have found, you're more likely to end your relationship the minute things start getting rocky. Any problem, whether disagreeing on which way the toilet paper hangs (there is a correct answer, by the way, although what it is it depends on if you have cats or not) or arguing over roles and responsibilities in the relationship, becomes proof that this just wasn't meant to be.

In the immortal words of Cole Porter, “So good-bye, dear, and amen. Here's hoping we meet now and then. It was great fun, but it was just one of those things.” (If you're in need of a transcendent four minutes of musical greatness, check out Ella Fitzgerald's rendition of “Just One of Those Things” here.

An Only Child?

This is not a newsletter about relationships, of course. Here we talk about healthy habits, and how to adopt them. And the LAFS problem is directly relevant here.

An old dirty joke:

A sale representative stops at a small manufacturing plant in the Midwest. He presents a box of cigars to the manager as a gift. “No, thanks,” says the plant manager. “I tried smoking a cigar once and I didn't like it.”

The sales rep shows his display case and then, hoping to clinch a sale, offers to take the manager out for martinis. “No, thanks,” the plant manager replies. “I tried alcohol once, but didn't like it.”

Then the salesman glances out the office window and sees a golf course. “I suppose you play golf,” says the salesman. “I'd like to invite you to be a guest at my club.”

“No, thanks,” the manager says. “I played golf once, but I didn't like it.”

Just then a young man enters the office. “Let me introduce my son, Bill,” says the plant manager.”

Let me guess,” the salesman replies. “An only child?”

Get it? (snort)

The LAFS mindset means that we are depriving ourselves of lots of good things that fail to deliver instantaneous pleasure.

And while it's no tragedy to be averse to cigars and booze (and, I'd argue, non-Frisbee flavors of golf), the joke makes its point clear in the punch line: there are things that are worth spending time getting to like.

If you're still unclear about this, I recommend the Greg Brown song, “If I Had Known,” which ends with this assessment of his first sexual experience:

“And, oh, if I had known–I'd do it all over again. Some things just get better and better and better than they've already been.”

LAFS vs Slow Burn Love

So LAFS not only sets us up for failed relationships; it also makes us give up on experiences that aren't instantly transcendent. And for most of us, that includes healthy habits and activities that don't rock our world from Minute One.

I hear this all the time: “I tried kale, but I didn't like it.”

And this: “I started jogging, but just didn't get into it.”

And this: “I downloaded a meditation app, but I didn't enjoy it.”

When we give up on things because they don't trigger LAFS, we are by definition eliminating the possibility of adding the healthiest things to our lives. That's because the healthy stuff, in our consumer culture, is surrounded by foods and activities designed to be addictive.

The food industry makes its money by creating products that achieve the “bliss point” of sugar, salt, fat, and mouth feel that make us crave greater and greater quantities.

Big tech battles for our attention using AI to create apps and experiences that we can't turn away from. Likes, infinite scrolling, autoplay next episodes, and variable rewards all turn us into payoff-hungry gamblers pulling slot machine handles and ignoring the rest of life.

And everything else pales in comparison to the always-available pleasure hits that our brains interpret as Love at First Sight.

Give a kid a candy bar, and see how excited they get by an apple after that.

The real reason it's hard to do healthy things is that they tend to cost us in the moment and provide benefit in the future.

Working out: Hard and unpleasant now. Feel and look and perform better later.

Choosing a salad and baked potato over a cheeseburger and fries: Unsatisfying now. Much more satisfying later.

We Like What We Know

And here's the thing about our preferences: we like what we're familiar with.

Study after study has shown that we like flavors that we've eaten a lot in the past. We like people that we hang out with a lot. We like words that we're familiar with. The more we see a face, the more attractive we rate it. We value (imaginary) stocks higher if their (imaginary) ticker symbol looks like a real word we've seen before.

Which means, when we try something new – a vegetable, a sport, a meditation practice – we probably won't love it at first.

But we can learn to love it if we persevere.

In fact, we love things more when we have to grow to love them. When we struggle at first, but stay with it. That's when we move past LAFS into passion, commitment, and intimacy.

Lots of people tell me that they're “not a runner” because they don't enjoy running right now. Sure, it's fine for me because I love running, but they haven't found their exercise thing yet.

I hated running when I started. Most of the runners I know hated it at first. We grew to love it because it's an intrinsically good-for-us activity, and with time, we made the connection. Now I get a dopamine rush as I lace my sneakers in anticipation of how good I'll feel when I'm on the move.

Lots of people tell me that they hate vegetables. Lucky for me that I'm a kale and Brussels sprouts fan, but that's just not their fate.

Again, these are acquired tastes. You acquire them via a two-pronged strategy: 1) stop eating hyper-palatable crap, so your taste buds can adapt back down to normal; and 2) keep eating foods you don't like until you like them.

The Secret of Slow Burn Love

The behavioral science phenomenon known as “present bias” or “future discounting” says that we care much more about what's happening RIGHT NOW than what will or may happen in the future.

Which is why it's so hard to do things that don't feel great now in pursuit of future benefits.

Luckily, there's a secret: we can fall in love with HARD RIGHT NOW.

We can experience a dopamine rush from the self-esteem we feel when we step up.

We can luxuriate in the pride we experience as we take on a difficult challenge for the sake of BETTER.

It's simply a matter of choosing that perspective.

I was talking with Josh this morning about how much his abs are hurting after a really tough core workout. He was saying how much he loves the feeling of this pain, and how useful it is as he goes about his day:

“I think about grabbing a Clif bar, but then I feel the ache and remember who I am and what I care about. So I grab a bottle of water and wait to eat until my next real meal.”

Sore abs don't feel great, until they do.

They mean pain and limited mobility, until they mean you're the sort of person who does hard things in pursuit of BETTER.

They suck, until they represent your best self.

And at that point, the hard things stop being so hard. You start enjoying kale, and running, and meditating. And so you get to look for the next HARD, to chase the next BETTER.

Hero Practice

So the next time you think about something that you “should” do but don't like doing, or something that you “should” add to your diet even though you're not a fan, take a higher perspective.

Focus less on the future benefit, and more on the person you get to be right now in order to manifest that future benefit. Not the person you “have to be,” or “should be,” or “need to be,” but the person you “get to be.” The person you WANT to be.

Pretty much every Hollywood movie has a moment when the hero gets tested. Actually, two moments.

The first time, the hero fails the test because they lack some important quality: courage, maturity, skill, drive, or knowledge.

The purpose of the plot, from that point on, is to put them in situations where they are forced to develop the quality they're lacking.

And the climax occurs when the hero is tested a second time, for much greater stakes, and this time emerges victorious.

You are the hero of your life.

And every moment can be that second test.

Whether it's just one bite of kale, or three minutes of walking. What's important isn't the magnitude, but the direction and intention. The habit can grow with time. The resolve exists in perfection in this moment.

Which relationship would you rather be in, at the end of the day?

Carlie Rae Jepsen: “Hey, I just met you and this is crazy. But here's my number, so call me maybe.”

Or Neil Young: “Because I'm still in love with you, I want to see you dance again. Because I'm still in love with you, on this harvest moon.”

Get a year's worth of personal 1-on-1 coaching with me and change your health habits and trajectory. Find out more here.

Dr Howie Jacobson

This podcast is a labor of love and a way to give back to the world that has given me so much. That's why there aren't any sponsors (except me :).

My day job is helping leaders and their teams master their mindsets to remove all obstacles to heart-centered high performance.

Here are three gigs that I do:

1. Executive and Senior Leadership Mentoring and Facilitation

I work with high performing executive teams in organizations — and executive teams that need to become high  performing. My focus is mindset mastery, because it’s our mindsets that either support high performance or get in the way.

At this level, everyone’s got the skills and experience to excel and contribute at the highest level. What holds people back is mindset stuff: specifically the triggers that get them out of creative engagement and into fight-or-flight defensiveness.

My practice is all about teaching people to respond differently to those triggers by updating old maps — essentially removing the glitches that the triggers grab onto.

2. Executive Coaching: Quick Wins for High Performance

I work with individual executives and leaders, one on one. The program is called Quick Wins for High Performance, and what we do is, we work strategically on one or two areas that are holding you back and keeping you from performing at your best.

We reverse engineer the presenting problems — too much work and not enough time, underperforming employees and teams, maddening organizational inefficiencies, etc — and identify and rewire the suboptimal mindsets that are behind those problems.

The work is all about updating your mental maps so your actions and responses are always appropriate, proportionate, and strategic.

3. High Stakes Conversations for Fast Growing Small Business Teams

I help small business teams have high stakes conversations with skill, humor, and grace. When people feel safe, they can do their best, most creative, most collaborative work.

So that's what I do. If you'd like any of those results, drop me a line and tell me about yourself.

You CAN Change Other People!

Well, that's what Peter Bregman and I claim in our provocative book of that title.

What we really mean is, you can bring out the best in the people around you. If you think you're powerless to help people change, it's because you've been going about it the wrong way.

Discover our straightforward, replicable process here: You Can Change Other People.



The Plant Yourself Podcast theme music, “Dance of Peace (Sabali Don),” is generously provided by Will Ridenour, a kora player from North Carolina who has trained with top Senegalese musicians.

It can be found on his first CD, titled Will Ridenour.

You can learn about Will, listen to more tracks, and buy music on his website,


Thanks to Plant Yourself podcast patrons – Kim Harrison – Lynn McLellan – Brittany Porter – Dominic Marro – Barbara Whitney – Tammy Black – Amy Good – Amanda Hatherly – Mary Jane Wheeler – Ellen Kennelly – Melissa Cobb – Rachel Behrens – Tina Scharf – Tina Ahern – Jen Vilkinofsky – David Byczek – Michele X – Elspeth Feldman – Leah Stolar – Allan Kristensen – Colleen Peck – Michele Landry – Jozina – Sara Durkacs – Kelly Cameron – Janet Selby – Claire Adams – Tom Fronczak – Jeannette Benham – Gila Lacerte – David Donohue – Blair Seibert – Doron Avizov – Gio and Carolyn Argentati – Jodi Friesner – Mischa Rosen – Michael Worobiec – AvIvA Lael – Alicia Lemus – Val Linnemann – Nick Harper – Bandana Chawla – Molly Levine – The Inscrutable Harry R – Susan Laverty the Panda Vegan – Craig Covic – Adam Scharf – Karen Bury – Heather Morgan – Nigel Davies – Marian Blum – Teresa Kopel – Julian Watkins – Brid O'Connell – Shannon Herschman – Linda Ayotte – Holm Hedegaard – Isa Tousignant – Connie Haneline – Erin Greer – Alicia Davis – Heather O'Connor – Carollynne Jensen – Sheri Orlekoski of Plant Powered for Health – Karen Smith – Scott Mirani – Karen and Joe Crabtree – Kirby Burton – Theresa Carrell – Kevin Macaulay – Elizabeth Rothschild – Ann Jesse – Sheryl Dwyer – Jenny Hazelton – Peter W Evans – Dennis Bird – Darby Kelly – Lori Fanney – Linnea Lundquist – Emily Iaconelli – Levi Wallach – Rosamonde McAtee – Dan Pokorney – Stephen Leinin – Patty DeMartino – Mike and Donna Kartz – Deanne Bishop – Bilberry Elf – Marjorie Lewis – Tricia Adams – Nancy Sheldon – Lindsey Bashore – Gunn Marit Hagen – Tracey Gulledge – Lara Hedin – Meg from Mamasezz – Stacey Stokes – Ben Savage – Michael K – David Hughes -Coni Rodgers – Claire England – Sally Robertson – Parham Ganchi – Amy Dailey – Brian Tourville – Mark Jeffrey Johnson – Josie Dempsey – Caryn Schmitt – Pamela Hayden – Emily Perryman – Allison Corbett – Richard Stone – Lauren Vaught of Edible Musings – Erin Hastey – Sean Owens – Sagar Naik – Erika Piedra – Danielle Roberts – Michael Leuchten – Sarah Johnson – Katharine Floyd – Meryl Fury – for your generous support of the podcast.


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