Do you find yourself eating in ways you know you shouldn't?
- Eating foods you want to avoid
- Buying foods that you've decided to stop eating
- Eating too much or too often
- Eating while doing other things
- And so on…
If you know not to behave that way, and are motivated to behave differently, then what the heck is going on?
Many of us deal with this conundrum our entire lives, going from diet to diet, self-help book to self-help book, and end up feeling like there's something wrong with us.
I know the experience, and the feeling.
And while I don't claim to have discovered “the solution,” I have found a mindset and strategy that is working really well for myself and my health coaching clients.
Check out the Wee Steps report introducing this strategy. It's available for download right now. Complete the simple form below to grab it while it's hot!
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As a recovering compulsive eater, I learned long ago that there are some foods I should never have!