Cory Warren is a plant-based athlete from Orlando, Florida, and dad to three whole food, plant-based kids. After struggling through a medicine morass of misinformation and toxic treatment when his wife was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC), they took matters into their own hands and started looking for alternatives.
Through Forks Over Knives, they discovered T. Colin Campbell and The China Study – and they were off and running. His wife weaned herself off the “rest of her life”medication once she ditched the dairy and other auto-immune triggers. Cory turned into a competitive athlete, training six days a week.
And since the diet was working so well for the grownups, it just made sense to give their children the same advantage. In our conversation, Cory and I discuss his family's transformation, and various strategies to raise plant-based kids in a McDonalds world.
We cover:
- the problems with the medical approaches to UC
- how cutting out dairy and adding greens affected his running performance
- the emotional impact of seeing your loved one hooked up to IV in a hospital bed
- “Something had to die for me to eat this chicken nugget?”
- keeping his daughter's UC gene turned off through lifestyle
- the importance of a welcoming, inclusive environment when you're promoting a plant-based diet
- choosing your battles when negotiating with your children
- how to exploit kids' natural compassion to get them to eat plant-based
- the biggest challenges to healthy eating at school
- his target audience: “parents who think they're too busy to eat healthy”
- naming names: discovering good food brands on the path to healthier choices
- Lean Green Dad radio – and a bit of podcast geekery 😉
- how to make the lifestyle exciting – and bite-sized
- Cory's first book
- and much more…
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- Kim Harrison
- Lynn McLellan
- Anthony Dissen
- Brittany Porter
- Dominic Marro
- Elizabeth Clifton
- Barbara Whitney
- Tammy Black
- Amy Good
- Amanda Hatherly
- Mary Jane Wheeler
- Ellen Kennelly
- Melissa Cobb
- Rachel Behrens
- Christine Nielsen
- Tina Scharf
- Tina Ahern
- Jen Vilkinofsky
- David Byczek
- Michele X
- Elspeth Feldman
- Viktoriya Dolomanova
- Leah Stolar
- Allan Kristensen
- Colleen Peck
- Michele Holt
- Jozina
- Julianne Rowland
Check out my online TV show, Triangle Be Well. This week I talk about nothing, because Hurricane Matthew cut off power to the studio.
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The Plant Yourself Podcast theme music, “Dance of Peace (Sabali Don),” is generously provided by Will Ridenour, a kora player from North Carolina who has trained with top Senegalese musicians.
It can be found on his first CD, titled Will Ridenour.
You can learn about Will, listen to more tracks, and buy music on his website,
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