NEW: Plant Yourself merch designed by my daughter, Yael Zivan.


I Guess You Had to Be There

Are you sitting down? Because I have a shocker for you: sometimes, according to my wife, I can be exasperating.

The main thing is, I get on these health bandwagons, impulsively turn our world upside down, and then totally forget about it.

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360 Degrees of Pain

I can teach you how to ride a unicycle.

I tell you this not to brag, but to – aw, hell, who am I kidding? I tell you this to brag.

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Launching Your Next Chapter with Sanyin Siang: PYP 295

Sanyin Siang is a CEO Coach, Author, and the Executive Director of the Fuqua/Coach K Center on Leadership & Ethics (COLE) at Duke University. In other words, quite a big deal.

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Harnessing Positive Emotions to Defeat Bad Habits with David DeSteno: PYP 292

Why do 92% of New Years’ Resolutions fail, one year on? Why has the current cultural obsession with grit and willpower failed to move the needle on our behaviors? And why do long-time Buddhist monks demonstrate more self-control than the rest of us?

Today’s guest, David DeSteno, PhD, has been studying these and related issues for a long time. David is a psychology superstar, and I was amazed when he agreed to take time out of his busy schedule to chat. He’s a professor of psychology at Northeastern University, where he directs the Social Emotions Group.

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Healing through Hypnosis with Grace Smith: PYP 290

When Grace Smith resolved to quit smoking in 2011, she began with the most common approaches: nicotine gum, the patch, going cold turkey (is there a vegan equivalent to that phrase?). 

When a single hypnotherapy session led her to quit that same day, she turned from a skeptic into a avid promoter. 

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How to Engineer an Epic Transformation with Adam Sud, Joseph Alexander, Ken Lander, and Josh LaJaunie: PYP 285

I had the great privilege of moderating a panel discussion at Engine 2’s Plant-Stock event, held this year in Black Mountain, NC, over a weekend in August. The topic was, “Transformation and Recovery from Addiction.”

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How to Create Environmental Cues to Change Eating Habits

This video answers a question posed by a podcast listener: How can we set up cues in our environments that can reliably remind us to eat healthy?

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The Counterintuitive Science of Wise Interventions with Gregory Walton, PhD: PYP 267

Gregory Walton has done some of the most groundbreaking social science research of the past decade. His “Wise Interventions” model utilizes brief, targeted experiences to permanently alter a mindset and create a cascading series of life events.

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Transforming the System of Medical Care with David Donohue, MD: PYP 255

David Donohue is a primary care physician in Wilmington, Delaware, and one of only 280 board-certified lifestyle medicine specialists in the United States. As David points out in our conversation, that’s fewer than one for every million Americans. 

I wanted to talk with David about the successful and innovative Cure Diabetes program that he’s run over the past year, but we quickly started egging each other on to describe our pet peeves about the current medical system.

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Giving Ourselves the Gift of Health with Kassi and Derick Harrington: PYP 252

Kassi and Derick Harrington grew up in Thibodaux, Louisiana, where they grew obese and ill and miserable on the Standard Cajun Diet.

Derick’s life revolved around food: hunting and fishing and then frying whatever he caught. Kassi was overweight her whole life, as was her entire family.

Derick suffered from hypertension, high cholesterol, an auto-immune disease, and was on the fast track to type 2 diabetes. He had no energy, no passion for life outside of the gustatory, and in his own words, was “just existing.”

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