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Gulp: Thinking Big and Acting Bold: Sarah Davis on PYP 602

What’s your relationship with risk? Does it rule and constrain you, or do you dance with it? Today’s guest shares how to think big and act bold — as safely as possible.

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Overcoming OCD and Anxiety: Robert James on PYP 570

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder? What are the symptoms, and what’s the lived experience? And how can we overcome it and live a full and satisfying life?

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Becoming a Brave Athlete – and Screen Writer! – with Simon Marshall and Lesley Paterson: PYP 550

Five years after Lesley and Simon appeared on this podcast to talk about how to set and achieve athletic goals, Lesley just won a BAFTA for screenwriting. So let’s listen again to this 2018 conversation for clues about how to live a brave life.

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The Oldest Cure in the World: Steve Hendricks on PYP 531

Is fasting a cure-all, a desperate orthorexic cry for help, or a complex and powerful phenomenon that can be a valuable addition to the modern medical toolkit?

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Rediscovering Movement That Brings You Joy: Rafe Kelley on PYP 451

Why are humans so unhappy and unhealthy? Why are we destroying the earth? Today’s guest says it’s because we’ve forgotten how to move like humans.

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Mind Hacks for Getting Through a Pandemic: Josh LaJaunie on PYP 440

Josh LaJaunie returns to talk about his strategies for staying sane, strong, and fit during the pandemic. 

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Tidings of Comfort or Joy: PYP 410

One day my grandfather punched someone in the face over some disagreement. The recipient of the blow, wounded more in pride than body, wobbled to a seat on the curb and began yelling, “Iodine! Police! Iodine! Police!”

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I Guess You Had to Be There

Are you sitting down? Because I have a shocker for you: sometimes, according to my wife, I can be exasperating.

The main thing is, I get on these health bandwagons, impulsively turn our world upside down, and then totally forget about it.

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Do I have to be happy-happy to change?

Joy. Misery. Bad choices. Change. Surrender. Korean War defectors.

Something for everyone in this end-of-year convo with Mergoddess Sarah Bofinger.

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Tidings of Comfort or Joy

One day my grandfather punched someone in the face over some disagreement. The recipient of the blow, wounded more in pride than body, wobbled to a seat on the curb and began yelling, “Iodine! Police! Iodine! Police!”

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