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Energy and Fatigue

Own Your Nervous System: Sukie Baxter on PYP 544

What are the root causes of physical tension and chronic emotional distress? How can we truly heal our bodies and minds? Today’s guest points to the nervous system as the node of highest leverage.

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Die Young – As Late as Possible: Bob and Fran German on PYP 529

“The worst years of our lives turned out to be the best ones.” – Wisdom from healthy and happy octogenarians.

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The Stunning New Science of Breathing:
Dr Ryan Robinson on PYP 422

Ryan Robinson, DDS, is a unicorn in the medical world: a dentist who helps people open up their airways and learn how to breathe properly.

Breathe properly? What are you talking about?, I hear you say. If I’m alive, then I must be breathing properly, right?

Not exactly.

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The Magic of Walking to the Mailbox with Elizabeth Bell: PYP 345

This week’s episode is an accident.

I interviewed Elizabeth Bell in order to record a testimonial for WellStart Health, and ended up having a conversation so compelling and instructive and inspiring that I decided – with Elizabeth’s blessing – to share the whole thing.

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Veggies, Opportunities, and the Gold Rule of Improv with Tess Masters: PYP 304

Tess Masters, aka The Blender Girl, is a powerful spokesperson for a healthy plant-based lifestyle, and a force of nature.

Growing up in Australia on a “meat and three veg” diet, she was plagued at age 14 with extreme lethargy. A naturopath suggested that she eliminate gluten, meat, and dairy, and within 48 hours she felt dramatically better.

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Harnessing the Entrepreneurial Spirit for a Plant-Based World with Matt Tullman: PYP 273

Matt Tullman wants 30% of the US population to go plant-based by the year 2030. And that’s not an idle wish – Matt is doing something (a lot of things, actually) about it. 

Matt is a long-time policy wonk, entrepreneur, bio-hacker, and venture capital guy. And he brings all these talents and outlooks to bear on the central problems of our time in history – all of which, he points out, can be solved or significantly improved by the switch to a plant-based diet.

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From Butcher to Vegan Nutritionist with Fraser Bayley: PYP 266

Fraser Bayley’s arc of transformation is long and inspiring. Growing up in Auckland, New Zealand, Fraser was a poor student who struggled in school despite putting in the effort. He felt stupid, like something was wrong with him. His social anxiety was so severe, he dropped out of college but managed to keep a crushing load of student debt.

When an after school job at a local supermarket offered him a chance to learn about butchery, Fraser jumped on the opportunity to apprentice himself in the grueling trade. It didn’t require smarts, or much reading, or sitting still.

Butchery was (and still is) a male-dominated field, where toxic masculinity is both a prerequisite and outcome of the brutal, repetitive, soul-numbing work. Fraser suffered from bipolar episodes, which he self-medicated through alcohol, drugs, and the company of other alienated, emotionally scarred, alpha males.

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Mastering the Meditation Habit with Emily Fletcher: PYP 254

Emily Fletcher is one of the new faces of an ancient practice. Former Broadway star and founder of Ziva Meditation, she talks funny, dirty, relatable, and wise about one of the simplest, cheapest, and most profound of wellness practices: going within ourselves.

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“Carbs are Not the Enemy” with Type 1 Diabetic Josh Turner: PYP 249

Josh Turner is one hell of a smart, compassionate, committed human being. A type 1 diabetic who was told that his quality of life, health, and longevity would be compromised by his condition, Josh has adopted a plant-based diet and taken up running.

In the process, he’s lost almost 100 pounds, gained his life back, and become an inspiration and lighthouse for other type 1 diabetics who are struggling to escape the grip of the wrong-headed medical model of disease management through low-carb, high-protein diets.

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Becoming a Health Mechanic with Phil Green: PYP 248

Phil Green is a heavy equipment mechanic for the military. Which is to say, he can fix things that people rely on for their lives.

And yet his own body was in a terrible state of disrepair. As a red, white, and blue son of Texas, Phil’s diet was (in his own words) “fried everything.” Except for the barbecued meat.

A baseball player in his younger days, Phil abandoned any pretense of fitness or health when he gave up sports and started a busy career. Eating out all the time expanded his waistline and led to profoundly ill health.

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