How to Market Your Vegan Business the Right Way: Sandra Nomoto on PYP 549
How can vegans market their businesses to take advantage of affinities in the vegan community, without alienating everyone else?
And should they even try?
How can vegans market their businesses to take advantage of affinities in the vegan community, without alienating everyone else?
And should they even try?
Is veganism the only way to stop climate change, reduce animal suffering, and improve human health? Or can we get there through just eating less meat?
Read MoreTeam Sherzai, aka Dean and Ayesha, join me on the podcast to talk about the role of science and scientists in dealing with all the false statements propagated on social media (as well as, occasionally, traditional media).
What the Sherzais value highly about science is the holy grail of falsifiability; the challenge that every theory and finding implicitly makes to other scientists: prove me wrong!
They also appreciate the inherent humility that is baked into true science, as well as the imperfect nature of knowledge at any given time.
Read MoreLenore Braford talks about the hows and whys of rescuing abused and neglected farm animals.
Given that billions of farm animals live and die in misery, is there a point in saving just a few?
Listen as Lenore tells touching stories of rescue and resilience, and shows how these special animals act as ambassadors who can change hearts and minds about animal agriculture.
For some reason, the most popular TV channel at my gym is HGTV.
Maybe I’m still 8 years old inside, but I can’t think of anything more boring than watching other people fix up their houses. Give me cartoons. Give me golf. Give me bowling, for godsakes, but please don’t let me pound out mile after mile while watching young couples practically orgasm over their new open floor plan.
What is it with the open floor plan anyway?
Read MoreJames Wilks is a producer, as well as narrator and chief instigator of The Game Changers, already the bestselling documentary of all time on iTunes.
We talk about the 7-year odyssey of making the film, its effect on popular culture and our food choices, and his appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast earlier this month.
We talk about the long process of making the film, and the warrior spirit needed to defend it from disingenuous and misinformed attacks.
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