NEW: Plant Yourself merch designed by my daughter, Yael Zivan.


How to Increase your Power and Value in a Negotiation: Greg Williams on PYP 526

How can you get what you want out of life if you’re too scared to ask for it? A negotiation expert shows to be tough and kind at the same time.

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Negotiating for a Better World: Greg Williams on PYP 503

Can you be an effective negotiator if you’re kind and mild-mannered? Or do you have to bully others to get what you want?

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Free Yourself From Conflict: Jen Goldman-Wetzler on PYP 470

Have you ever found yourself in a “conflict loop,” where every conversation just makes it worse? What if you had the ability to break free and find the best possible outcome? Today’s guest, Jen Goldman-Wetzler, PhD, shows you how.

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Can My Relationships Survive My Veganism? with Melanie Joy, PhD: PYP 351

How can we advocate for human health, environmental sanity, and ethical treatment of animals without wrecking our relationships with family members, friends, partners, and coworkers?

Melanie Joy joins the podcast to talk about her book Beyond Beliefs – essentially a merging of the political and relational.

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The Neuroscience of Changing Other People’s Minds with Tali Sharot: PYP 253

Tali Sharot is an Associate Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London, and director of the Affective Brain Lab. Affective, as in emotions and motivation. Brain, as in processing and decisions. Drawing on recent groundbreaking work in behavioral economics and neuroscience, Sharot shows us how to navigate the intricacies and predictable biases of minds; our own and those of others.

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