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Gulp: Thinking Big and Acting Bold: Sarah Davis on PYP 602

What’s your relationship with risk? Does it rule and constrain you, or do you dance with it? Today’s guest shares how to think big and act bold — as safely as possible.

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The Journey of Conscious Living: Bianca and Michael Alexander on Plant Yourself 489

Can the mass media market handle veganism and conscious living? Bianca and Michael Alexander take their show to the big time.

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Rob Greenfield on Wearing Trash, Opting Out of Capitalism, and Waking Up to the Effects of Our Actions: PYP 234

Rob Greenfield has put the fun and friendly into environmental activism. Known for his eye-catching and media-worthy campaigns and adventures to wake people up to the destruction we’re causing to our planet, Rob brings a positivity and sense of humor and humility to what is too often a dreary scold-fest.

Rob was originally on track to live an opulent American dream, complete with nice stuff, fast car, big house, and enough money to do whatever he wanted. A life in which he never had to think about the downstream consequences of his actions, choices, and consumption.

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Ed and Amanda Smith on Leadership, Community, and Health: PYP 198

Ed and Amanda Smith are the co-founders of Healthfest, a three-day annual event in a small Texas town that’s become an unlikely hub of plant-based nutrition in the United States.

Marshall, Texas, population 27,000, is smack in the middle of the “stroke belt.” Where beef is king, hunting is a rite of passage into manhood, and if it ain’t deep-fried, it ain’t food.

And there, where Ed served as mayor, is where they decided to bring plant-based knowledge and practice.

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The Universal Language of Food with Katie Simmons: PYP 187

Katie Simmons was working as a traditionally trained chef and moonlighting as a fitness instructor when the dare happened.

She was struggling – as she had been her whole life – with her weight and her health. She managed to achieve a tentative balance between compulsive overeating and compulsive overexercising, but still dealt with feeling lousy and often ashamed of herself.

Then the dare – go vegan for one month – changed everything.

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PYP 106: Corey Rennell on Food as the Foundation of a New Economy

Corey Rennell doesn’t do things halfway.

After discovering that what passes for convention wisdom on the topic of nutrition is a contradictory, confusing, reductionist mess, he stopped listening and started looking for himself.

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PYP 096: Mimi Kirk on Juicing Your Way to Health

Mimi Kirk started experiencing health problems at age 69, and instead of selling her luggage and taking up sudoku, she took matters into her own hands. Mimi adopted a raw vegan diet and started juicing like crazy.

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PYP 065: Alissa Bilfield and Adam Aronovitz on The Cookbook Project, Starting a Big-Hearted Non-Profit on a Tiny-Ass Budget, and the Problem as the Solution

Alissa Bilfield and Adam Aronovitz are co-founders of The Cookbook Project, an amazingly inspiring, effective, and elegant not-for-profit dedicated to the fine mostly-lost art of home cooking.

With projects in 35 US states and over 20 countries around the world, Alissa and Adam are empowering communities to reclaim their culinary roots and break free from the industrial food system that creates disease, dependence, and displacement.

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PYP 036: Mimi Kirk, the “World’s Sexiest Vegan Over 50”

75-year-old Mimi Kirk looks and acts like someone in her 40s, not a person shopping for an assisted living facility.

In this freewheeling conversation, we talk about aging, travel, being a “foodie,” going completely plant-based and mostly raw at the age of 69, and getting what we want out of life.

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