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Stephen Porges, PhD, on Safety as the Most Important Thing: PYP 340

For my money, Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory has done more to improve our ability to heal and grow and thrive as a civilization than any other scientific breakthrough of the past 50 years.

Its advances over prior understandings of the human nervous system, psychology, and experiences of states like well-being, happiness, and love – are profound. Paradigm-shifting. And, unlike a lot of theory, incredible practical and applicable to our everyday lives.

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Learning from Sacred Plants with Amber Antonelli and Anthony Esposito: PYP 338

Amber Antonelli and Anthony Esposito run the Awaken Your Soul iboga retreat center in Costa Rica.

Iboga is the name of a plant native to Gabon and neighboring West African countries that acts as a psychedelic, or as Amber and Anthony put it, a “teacher plant.”

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“It Turns Out Willpower Doesn’t Exist” with Jud Brewer, MD PhD: PYP 337

Jud Brewer is Director of Research and Innovation at the Mindfulness Center at Brown University, and a second-time guest on Plant Yourself.

I wanted to catch up with Jud to find out how his academic research and public writing had migrated into the world. What is the state of mindfulness-based health improvement? Does he have data on how his approach compares to current best practices, like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for smoking and other addictions. 

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The Martial Art of Tech-Proofing with Glenn Murphy: PYP 322

Our lives have changed dramatically since 2007, when the first iPhone was introduced.As today’s guest, Glenn Murphy, points out, if we handled any other object over 1000 times a day, we would be considered severely OCD, or addicted, or certainly life-impaired in some way.Yet that’s exactly how many times most of us reach for our smartphones in a typical day.And this behavior pattern is not just weird – it’s damaging to our productivity and mental health.

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Great article on winning the war against food

My buddy and teacher Glenn Livingston, PhD is author of Never Binge Again, whose methodology I use to help people break long-standing self-destructive food habits.

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Relishing the Struggle with Sarah Bofinger: PYP 312

Sarah Bofinger is an unlikely Olympic hopeful, a WellStart Health Coach, and a fountain of positivity. Today she returns to the podcast to update us on her Olympic dreams, and to share how becoming a WellStart Health coach has taken her training and life to a new level of awesome.

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Andrew Taylor on Taking Radical Steps to Breaking a Food Addiction: PYP 307

Andrew “Spudfit” Taylor was tired of being out of shape, obese, and sick. An olympic hopeful in his teens, he had let his fitness and health slip away as his commitment to kayaking waned but his addictions to food persisted.

His depression, largely fueled by the thought that he was far away from the person he wanted to be, always kept him returning to the trough for another supersized hit of vegan junk food.

His relevation – and the spark of his transformational year of eating nothing but potatoes – was that he was treating food like an alcoholic treats booze.

And so he would have to quit food.

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