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Fit Family Strategies

Honoring Tradition While Charting a New Course with Ramona and Dustin Lajaunie: PYP 325

Ramona and Dustin LaJaunie are part of a family that has lost over a thousand pounds through plants and running. The mother and brother, respectively, of Josh LaJaunie, Mona and Dustin are now the cooks in the family. 

And one of their biggest challenges was abandoning all the classic southern recipes that they loved and took pride in making and sharing – gumbos, jambalayas, turnip stew, cabbage rolls, and all the delicious desserts – in favor of low-fat, plant-based fare.

They decided that there had to be a way to have the best of both worlds – their cherished traditions, and their health.

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Brian Wansink on Tricking Ourselves into Eating Better: PYP 288

Brian Wansink is hiding behind a tiny plate for a very good reason. He’s the researcher behind some of the most surprising findings in recent behavioral science, the most famous of these involving the interaction between plates and bowls and eating behavior.

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The Neuroscience of Changing Other People’s Minds with Tali Sharot: PYP 253

Tali Sharot is an Associate Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London, and director of the Affective Brain Lab. Affective, as in emotions and motivation. Brain, as in processing and decisions. Drawing on recent groundbreaking work in behavioral economics and neuroscience, Sharot shows us how to navigate the intricacies and predictable biases of minds; our own and those of others.

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Giving Ourselves the Gift of Health with Kassi and Derick Harrington: PYP 252

Kassi and Derick Harrington grew up in Thibodaux, Louisiana, where they grew obese and ill and miserable on the Standard Cajun Diet.

Derick’s life revolved around food: hunting and fishing and then frying whatever he caught. Kassi was overweight her whole life, as was her entire family.

Derick suffered from hypertension, high cholesterol, an auto-immune disease, and was on the fast track to type 2 diabetes. He had no energy, no passion for life outside of the gustatory, and in his own words, was “just existing.”

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How to Live a Better Life Every Day with Bryan Falchuk: PYP 251

From the moment his parents’ marriage fell apart, Bryan Falchuk turned into the fat kid. In a world out of control, food was the one thing he could control, and the one thing that could soothe his deep hurts and anxieties.

Every day Bryan woke up and was determined to lose weight, and twenty minutes later he’d be elbow-deep in the foods he’d sworn to give up, or at least moderate. He experienced himself as someone untrustworthy, someone who lacked agency, someone to whom life happened.

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The Mental Health / Lifestyle Link with Dr Elizabeth Winings: PYP 242

Elizabeth Winings is Doctor of Nursing Practice at  Nemours Children’s specialty care and Wolfson Children’s Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida. She specializes in working with children and teens who are receiving mental health care in an acute in-patient setting. In her work with the children and their families, she emphasizes wholistic, therapeutic, and lifestyle approaches toward wellness.

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Raising Healthy Parents with Sid Garza-Hillman: PYP 241

Sid Garza-Hillman returns to the podcast to talk about his new book, Raising Healthy Parents. In typical Sid fashion, the book is funny, irreverent, wise, and insanely useful.

Sid is the Nutritionist and Program Director at The Stanford Inn by the Sea in Mendocino, California, and host of the Approaching the Natural podcast. He’s also a race director, YouTuber, and health coach.

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From the Sidelines to the Starting Line (and Finish Line!) with Anthony Masiello: PYP 240

Anthony Masiello grew up as the “fat kid,” and owned the identity with resignation. Growing up in a town with three pizza restaurants within walking distance, it was easy to avoid the healthy food his mom stocked in their refrigerator and rely on the standard American junk diet.

His weight continued to grow as his health and wellbeing began to decline. One day while away at college, a conversation with his mother got Anthony to try giving up meat and alcohol for a few months and “see what happens.”

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Chris Voss on Negotiating with Others and Ourselves: PYP 208

Chris Voss learned negotiation in one of the most high-stakes professions possible: as a lead international hostage negotiator for the FBI. Having learned from the super-smart, super-rational Harvard negotiation experts, Chris quickly discovered that humans are not rational, and that principles and tactics that work with Rational Humans (a fictitious species) do not reliably work with Real Humans.

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How to get your family to support your health transformation – without begging or getting angry

When one person in a family takes that first scary, courageous step toward wellness, you would think that everyone else in the family would be supportive.

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