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Fitness and Movement

Fitness as a Deeply Embodied Practice: Philip Shepherd on PYP 563

Can we find belonging, peace, and deep healing in the gym, of all places? Embodiment guide Philip Shepherd shows us how.

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The Benefits of Qi Gong: Michael Gelb on PYP 534

What’s a simple, elegant, free, convenient, and scientifically validated practice that combines the benefits of exercise, meditation, and relaxation?

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Good Posture, Healthy Back: Leon Turetsky on PYP 510

Smartphones and computers have wrecked our posture. Today’s guest explains the importance of good posture, and shows us how to get it back.

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The Plant-Based Athlete: Matt Frazier, Robert Cheeke, and Josh LaJaunie on PYP 475

Will a plant-based diet help you become a better athlete? Is it as simple as just eating plants, or is there more to doing it right?

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Rediscovering Movement That Brings You Joy: Rafe Kelley on PYP 451

Why are humans so unhappy and unhealthy? Why are we destroying the earth? Today’s guest says it’s because we’ve forgotten how to move like humans.

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Getting Fit in the “Church Basement” of a Facebook Group: Dan Carraciolo on PYP 450

Dan Carraciolo has engineered a remarkable self-transformation from unhappy, overweight diabetic to ebullient athlete. On today’s show, we talk about how he achieved it – and the obstacles he’s had to overcome.

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Get Fit Quick: Ed Coyle on PYP 448

What’s the most efficient way to exercise for fitness and health? And what’s the most effective? Turns out there’s a single answer to both questions: 4-second all-out intervals.

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The Queen’s Gambit, The Hero’s Journey, Veganism, and Exercise: Tyson Yunkaporta on PYP 439

Author, academic, and artist Tyson Yunkaporta offers an Indigenous perspective on some of the core beliefs that have guided my life. Some, like veganism, survive in a different form. Others, like the Hero’s Journey, lie in tatters. And some, like exercise, get transformed and deepened.

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We Move, Therefore We Think: Barbara Tversky on PYP 431

Barbara Tversky argues that our thinking, and consciousness itself, arises from the experiences of our physical bodies in space.

Rather than being an afterthought, or just the province of athletes and dancers, spatial thinking is the foundation of all thought.

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Van der Waals Forces to the Rescue: PYP 373

When I was in 11th grade, I came in 3rd in the New Jersey Science League Chemistry II competition.

Which was odd.

I wasn’t one of the best chemistry students in the state, by far. I wasn’t even close to being the best chemistry student in my high school. Hell, I wasn’t close to be the best chemistry student in my chemistry class.

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